Signage is a vital element in your overall marketing and advertising strategy. The right kind of signage can inspire confidence; keep your brand in the limelight while indicating where your property is located. Although there is a wide range of signs to choose from, monument signs are impressive and immediately catch the eye of passersby.
Understanding What Monument Signs Are
Monument signs are freestanding signage structures suitable for shopping centers, hotels, business centers, retail locations, gas stations, educational institutions, hospitals, apartments, industrial complexes, and more.
Design an Impactful Monument Sign
These large and impressive structures are customizable; you can select the material, shape, size, style, fonts, lighting options, and more. Some design aspects to keep in mind for monument sign installation include:
- Ensure that the sign size is proportionate to the area where you are installing it. For a large entryway, opt for a larger structure. If you need to mention the names of multiple businesses on your property, select a sign that’s perfect in shape and size.
- Select the right materials so that the monument sign blends in perfectly with the immediate surroundings. Keep your building’s structure in mind when designing this signage. The professionals that handle the job for you will provide you with details about what type of styling would work best for your property.
- Depending on the styling and architecture of the structure on your property, decide whether you prefer a modern, classic, contemporary, or rustic style feature.
- The sign placement is another aspect to keep in mind when planning monument signs. Make sure that it is clearly visible to anyone approaching the property or entryway to your premises.
- Opt either for double or single-sided monument signs, depending on where you will be placing them.
The Best Monument Sign Solutions
When you get monument signs from professionals, you can be sure they will be sophisticated and inspire confidence in your company. They are excellent for marking your exterior space, particularly if you have large corporate buildings or facilities. These impressive structures have a positive impact on customer impressions and experience. Your monument sign should reflect the size and stature of your business and this is a crucial aspect of designing them. Select the appropriate design and materials that reflect your corporation as well as sync with the building aesthetics and the surrounding landscape. For more information about our signage solutions or to get a quote, feel free to contact us with your requirement today.