Does Your Corporation Need Monument Signs

If your business is surrounded by large buildings, is in a remote area, or is seen from a road or highway, then you should consider investing in monument signs. This type of signage is great for capturing passerby’s attention and acting as an identification for your building. It helps you stand out and makes an impact, especially if other companies surround your corporation. You will have a competitive edge with a large, eye-catching sign. It is crucial for businesses to stand out and develop a recognizable and familiar brand image to grow and become successful in their industry. 

Become Part of the City Landscape

Monument Signs are great for capturing passerby’s attention.

You may be asking yourself, why do corporate buildings need monument signs? -And the answer is simple. Corporate buildings commonly sit on a large property turning the building into a landmark. A sign is needed to represent the building and its brand, and the sign also becomes a landmark. A corporation is more than just a business, it is a part of the city landscape, and monument signs are a creative extension of the building that becomes representative of its identity. Signs convey a message and become symbolic of the corporation as a whole. 

Effective Design Elements

Monument signs have certain elements that make them effective and give them purpose, including: 

  1. Placement/location 
  2. Matches your brand/is recognizable 
  3. Looks good in the local landscape

A professional sign company has the skill and experience to design the perfect sign for your business that will convey the appropriate message and ensure the material will last. A large sign is a great branding tool to help gain attention and stand out amongst competitors. 

If you’re thinking of investing in monument signs for your corporation, Genesis Signs & Graphics is the best place for you. We have the right knowledge and professional skill to create and design the perfect sign for you.