Here’s the thing — ADA compliant signage is the law, so you don’t really have much of a choice in the matter if you want to do business with Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. But that doesn’t mean you can’t choose your own brand identity to represent your company on these signs. Here are some ways you can take control of your ADA signage and use it to reflect your brand and make it shine, both for legal reasons and aesthetic ones!
What Are Accessibility Guidelines?
Federal law requires that public facilities and businesses be made accessible to everyone. But if you’re an entrepreneur, business owner, or designer, what does that mean? It means you need to pay close attention to ADA signage guidelines and ensure your signage meets those standards. There are a number of factors to consider when creating ADA compliant signs:
- Size: Signs must have a minimum height of 72 inches (6 feet) and a maximum height of 48 inches (4 feet).
- Font Size: No one should need a magnifying glass to read your business name or logo. Any text on a sign must be at least ⅛” tall. Additionally, keep in mind that using certain colors on a sign can be problematic for people with impaired vision.
- Braille and Tactile Elements: According to ADA guidelines, braille and tactile elements should be located below their corresponding print elements. For example, if a sign has braille instructions for operating an elevator nearby its elevator call button, that information would likely go below — not over — the button itself.
Embrace Accessibility While Promoting Customer Experience
If you want to show customers that you are a brand who is inclusive and accessible, there’s no better way than by promoting customer experience. In fact, studies have shown that consumers are more willing to purchase products from brands that are accessible. Why? It’s simple: because they want to be able to fully enjoy your products and services. As an ADA compliant sign company, we can help your business get ahead with accessible signage solutions that promote inclusivity while also reflecting your brand identity.
Always Check Local Government Requirements
Local governments typically regulate signage, so be sure to check what is and isn’t allowed. At a minimum, you’ll need signs with your business name and/or logo that include your business address. If you have tables outside or on a sidewalk, you may also need a sign there indicating accessibility or directing people toward specific entrances (for example, if only one entrance is accessible). A good signage company will know exactly what is required in your area.