In-Store Brand Signage: Understanding the Principles of Signage Value Engineering

Do you know the benefits that your business can enjoy by having in-store business signage?

If you want to rebrand your office, retail store or restaurant, you first need to understand the signage value engineering principles.

Signage value engineering entails the whole process of identifying and evaluating ways in which you can transform old brand signage to a new one. Its primary objective is to reduce operational costs while maximizing the impact and function of the brand.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a New Signage Strategy

Because installing and manufacturing new signage are two expensive components of your rebranding, you need to focus more on the two areas when replacing the old signage.

However, you should not only focus on the initial costs of your branded signage. Consider the ongoing maintenance before you settle on your signage strategy. By examining all the above factors, signage cost engineering becomes a crucial component of your decision making. Whether you want to use your signage outdoors or indoors, you should review it regularly to make changes where necessary.

Signage value engineering has several phases that you need to understand before you make your final decision:

  • Discovery
  • Design
  • Production
  • Installation
  • Maintenance

Calculate the Total Cost of Your New Signage

Keep in mind that there are other costs associated with your new signage apart from the initial price. Before you settle on a specific signage strategy, it’s crucial that you know about the maintenance requirements of the program. It is critical when making cost-effective business decisions.

Increase the total cost of your signage strategy by including maintenance and installation costs. Most businesses fail because of calculating using production costs alone.

Transforming old signage to a new one helps your brand to achieve its objectives. But before you make this investment, scrutinize all factors to reduce total costs.

Newly designed business signage can help you to maximize the impact and identity of your brand in the market. It is good to remember that a good signage strategy is the one that:

  • Increases the effect of your brand while supporting your business branding objectives.
  • Reduces the total costs of your signage over an extended period.

Are You Ready to Rebrand? Rely On Genesis Signs!

If you are searching for a new signage provider, then don’t hesitate to contact us. We will help you pass your message to your target customers on time. We offered our services for more than 30 years supporting organizations and businesses meet their objectives. For more information, call us at 347-709-7446 or write to [email protected].