A channel letter sign may be exactly what you’re looking for to really promote your business and get noticed by your prospective customers. These signs have been around since the 40s, but even today are still very popular as an effective advertising medium. We’ll discuss what makes channel letter signs so effective – visible, customizable, versatile – and help you to decide if they’re right for your business!
Attention Grabbing
Channel letter signs are created to flow with your building in size and placement. This makes them extremely effective in grabbing attention. They are also highly customizable, so you can create a sign that perfectly represents your brand. Plus, channel letter signs are very versatile, so you can use them for a variety of purposes.
Cost Effective
Channel letter signs are one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise your business. They are visible day and night, making them an excellent choice for 24-hour businesses. Plus, channel letter signs are very versatile – they can be front lit, reverse lit, or even illuminated from the side. Choose LED lighting to save even more money on energy costs.
Stand Out From the Crowd
In a world where first impressions are everything, you want your business to make a good one. That’s where channel letter signs come in. These signs are highly visible, legible, and customizable, making them perfect for any business. Whether you’re looking for an indoor or outdoor sign, channel letter signs are a great option. There are plenty of ways to customize the letters, with fonts and colors that perfectly match your brand. Want something other than lettering? No problem! At Genesis Signs and Graphics, we offer a wide selection of different shapes that can be combined into any design you can imagine. So stop settling for anything less than perfection when it comes to your signage needs – contact us today for more information about channel letters!