How to Impress Clients With a Professional Lobby Sign

Every commercial building will have some type of lobby leading in from the entrance. There are typically two types of lobbies – one that a company owns and the other where multiple companies have office spaces and share a common lobby area.

A company-owned lobby space is an exclusive space where you would need a big, central lobby sign to welcome clients. A space that hosts multiple companies might not need a logo sign in the common area. However, every business there would need a sign of their own to welcome their clients.

The other logo and lobby signs needed in these settings would have to be custom designed to match client requirements. They need to be of the right size and shape, and might have a logo and the company name. The location where the installation will be dictates the look, materials used, and the overall styling of the signs.

The one way to get your sign design right is to hire professionals for the job. They will take the time to understand what your ideas and requirements are before coming up with solutions that work for you.

Types of Lobby Signs

There are many different types of lobby signs to choose from, such as:

  • Directional signs and directory signs.
  • Multidimensional signage that is dynamic, energetic, professional
  • Free-flowing custom channels that are wall-mounted and impressive
  • Opt for flat lettering mounted directly on the wall. These powerful and elegant signs blend in perfectly with the aesthetic of your lobby spaces. They take advantage of negative space to create the perfect 3D effect
  • You can also opt for logo signs on a panel and then place this in the lobby area at a strategic location, such as opposite the entrance.

Impactful Lobby or Logo Signs

The primary objective of any signage is to help a business create an excellent first impression on those who walk into their building. However, that isn’t all. Lobby signs must also hold all the right information while blending in with the interior aesthetic. These features should have a design and look similar to the main building sign, as it will create a seamless appearance in that space. The graphic designers that work on your signage requirements will make sure that the features match your industry and branding requirements. They will use the right textures, styles, colors, and materials so that you have impressive signs that are a class apart. Feel free to contact us to get a quote for your custom lobby signs.